We Are All In This Together
We are all being affected by COVID-19. The stress of the situation and the loneliness of our social distancing can be overwhelming at times. The Liturgists are offering a way to help during this time.

We are all being affected by COVID-19. The stress of the situation and the loneliness of our social distancing can be overwhelming at times. The Liturgists are offering a way to help during this time.
24/7 Live Hangout Rooms
These are video call rooms hosted by Zoom that we’ve locked open so you can join liturgists from around the world at anytime. Feel free to jump in and go with the flow. Below you will find details and descriptions for each room!
THE COFFEE SHOP - theliturgists.com/coffee
For coffee, tea, Topo Chico, or whatever is your drink of choice…
Bring a drink and start up a conversation, or work where you don’t mind background noise.
THE STUDIO - theliturgists.com/studio
A bookable room for any event - host your own event! Just add your event to this schedule.
Lead a yoga class, record a podcast, play with your band. Whatever you would do in a bookable space!
THE PARTY - theliturgists.com/party
For anything and everything…
Welcome to the wild card room. Anything goes. Dance Party? Charades? 24/7 Disney+ Marathon? Yes, yes, and yes.
The Sunday Thing
The Liturgists Community meets every Sunday at 11am Pacific. The really cool thing about this event is we get to see each others faces, talk, and break out into small groups so we can get to know one another.
We are opening The Sunday Thing up to everyone for as long as it takes, because we think this is the type of connection we need to see each other and feel connected when we can feel so alone.
Just sign up and you will get an email with how to join!